Bollywood’s yummy mummy Shilpa Shetty and husband Raj Kundra hosted a birthday party of their son Viaan. Many Bollywood celebrities along with their children were spotted . But the one who stood out was Sanjay Dutt’s wife Maanyata, who was seen along with her twins Iqra and Shahraan. Maanyata looked stunning in her new hair cut.
As per sources, Maanyata Dutt, who was diagnosed with a non-malignant tumour in her lungs and had to undergo surgery twice, looked better than when she was last seen in April.The mother-of-two, who had lost a lot of weight previously, seems to be recovering Maanyata was dressed in a self-coloured blouse and jeans with heels. Little Shahraan and Iqra looked super-cute as they arrived at the Kundra residence all set to party. Sanju’s twins are not at all camera shy.
Actor Sanjay Dutt, who is currently in Yerwada jail , was constantly out on parole last year. When certain voices objected to this, the reason for his parole became public – his wife’s illness.