Nawazuddin Siddiqui’ plays a sharpshooter in his next ‘Babumoshai Bandookbaaz’. Every prompt action hero, at least once, has taken cue from the legendary James Bond. This time, it was Nawaz’s turn.
The actor, like a very obedient student, has been binge-watching Bond films and observing the cult secret service agent’s mannerism.
When Kushan (Kushan Nandy, director) narrated the script to Nawaz, he felt his character was close to James Bond. Since he is a fan of the womanising, gambling-loving spy, he was kicked about adding a touch of suavity to his desi character,” a source from the unit told Mid-Day.
Nawazuddin gives an agreeing nod and says, “In terms of the clothes and styling, my part doesn’t have anything in common with him. Yet, I wanted to make it cool. I have tried imitating his gait, the way he holds his gun and scans an area from the corner of his eye. I felt referencing him would work for my character.”
The film is set to release in later part of 2017.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.