From making a mark in Bollywood to conquering the West, Priyanka Chopra has come a long long way when it comes to her professional life. There have been instances when the actress has been linked to many of her male contemporaries, which she always choose to not speak about.
But talking about her ideal kind of guy, PeeCee has a list of qualities she wants in her man. “I just want a guy who makes me laugh, someone who’s smart and intelligent and has an evolved sense of humour and thinking. Someone I respect and look up to. And that hasn’t changed since my teenage years,” she says.
The actress also claimed that she is vulnerable in love, but in a good way. She says, “How can you not be vulnerable? That is when you are at your weakest and then you meet someone who wants to be with you, who ends up becoming your strength… That’s when the relationship is at its best. Then you can fight the world. Despite the world, despite everything, you know that you are each other’s strength. When you’re weak, the other person can be your strength. But I’m hugely vulnerable in relationships. In a good way.”
She was further asked if she misses walking hand in hand with her man by her side, to which Priyanka responded saying she is not that kind of a person. “No. Because I’ve always been private about my relationships. You’ve never seen me doing that in all these years. I’m not that person. I would only do that with my husband. It’s easy for me to be known by my relationships but I want to be known for my work,” Priyanka concludes.
That’s sweet, and endearing. A dreamy kind of love that everyone hopes for. Plus, it also has a kind of strength. Sigh! PeeCee, you echo us all.