We cannot stop gushing over how proud Priyanka Chopra has been making us since last year. The actress has been ruling all the International award shows and TV screens, and she is soon all set to make her Hollywood debut with ‘Baywatch’ wherein we will see her in the avatar of a baddie.
Apart from all this, she has also been celebrity guest at various popular Hollywood talk shows including ‘The Ellen Degeneres Show’, ‘The Jimmy Fallon Show’, ‘The View’ and many more. The latest to join the bandwagon of her spree of talk shows is, ‘The Late Show with Stephen Colbert’.
The show’s official Instagram handle shared a Boomerang video of our dear PeeCee and captioned it, “YES! The amazing @PriyankaChopra from #Quantico joins us tonight for some big laughs with @StephenColbert on #LSSC.”
We love Priyanka’s daring, sexy and chic black dress, which is complete with the matte nude makeup and blow dried hair that are sweeping us off, magically.