Priyanka Chopra‘s mother Madhu Chopra recently slammed the actress’ former manager Prakash Jaju for the suicide comments that he made about the beauty. PeeCee’s mother replied to the allegations that Jaju had made on Twitter about the Mary Kom actress trying to commit suicide 2-3 times.
Prakash had earlier tweeted,
PC may look very strong now but she was also very vulnerable in struggling days, tried to commit suicide 2-3 times but i managed to stop her
— PRAKASH JAJU (@Prakashjaaju) April 2, 2016
Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra gave a fitting reply to Jaju and defended her daughter. She wrote, “@ChopraLover @1lovePC that lying bastard spent time in jail…his old mother and father fell at Pc’s feet begging forgiveness.”
Things turned sour between Priyanka and Jaju when the ‘Bajirao Mastani’ star terminated his services. The manager then went on to file a criminal case against her by accusing the 33-year-old of not paying his dues. However, PeeCee’s father filed a case against him for interfering in his daughter’s life and thus Jaju ended up in jail.
Watch this space for more…
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra to star in a Yash Raj Film?
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