The makers of Shah Rukh Khan‘s upcoming film ‘Raees’ have taken the expectations a notch higher by releasing a yet another poster of the film. Featuring Shah Rukh Khan, this poster portrays King Khan in his most intense looks ever. Earlier, SRK had unveiled a part of this poster wherein he gave us a glimpse of his personal locket that carries the picture of his parents.
With the tag line ‘Apna Time Shuru’, Shah Rukh gives out chills with his fierce look that we have hardly seen before. Check it out…
Can’t wait for the trailer tomorrow? Here’s a new poster to keep you going until then. Ab #ApnaTimeShuru
— Raees (@RaeesTheFilm) December 6, 2016
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan gave a statement about his female co-stars and we can’t agree more
Directed by Rahul Dholakia, ‘Raees’ is set to release on January 26, 2016. The makers are going to launch the trailer of the film tomorrow and we just can’t wait to watch SRK’s gangster avatar. Following a unique strategy, the trailer would be unveiled in 9 cities simultaneously and SRK would be answering fans questions across theatres.