Earlier this week, a two-member team from Ludhiana Police set off for Mumbai with an arrest warrant for Rakhi Sawant. Last year during a TV show on a private channel, she allegedly made disrespectful remarks on Sage Valmiki, dejecting the Valmiki community.
While her spokesperson claims she has surrendered to the police, the Punjab Police are of the opinion that she is absconding. Whether in jail or outside, Rakhi however is posting regular updates on Instagram and is making bizarre claims.
Last night, her Instagram post took everyone by surprise and people started wondering how was she operating social media from the jail. Rakhi not only claimed that she was jailed, but also said she would be there for next ten days. (Also Read: Rakhi Sawant not arrested; spokesperson says she will surrender herself to the police)
Now this cracked us up! Who on earth would like to stay inside jail forever?
As far as Rakhi is concerned, not only does she claim to be enjoying free WiFi inside the prison, but also pleaded her fans to arrange non-veg food for her.
Phew… this lady!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.