Ram Gopal Varma‘s new film ‘Arrest’, starring Abhishek Bachchan, was supposed to go on floors next April. However, reports suggest that the schedules have been delayed. The director feels some action should be added to the script and is working on the same.
We earlier reported that ‘Arrest’ was based on the real life story of encounter specialist and former cop Pradeep Sharma. It created quite a buzz, given that Varma has created a very successful franchise with the Bachchan father-son duo earlier.
The makers earlier planned for a 2017 release for the film. But, looks like it won’t be possible now. (Also Read: Abhishek Bachchan to have a busy year ahead)
Apart from ‘Arrest’, RGV is also working on ‘Sarkar 3’. He is also working on a biopic based on Sasikala, late Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalitha’s closest friend.
Unlike the last few years, Abhishek also has a number of films in his films this year, Prabhu Deva’s ‘Lefty’ being one. He is rumouredly doing a film titled ‘Gulab Jamun’.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.