Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are on a high after the super success of their recent release ‘Bajirao Mastani’ at the box office. The very much in love couple have welcomed the New Year at an unknown destination far away from prying eyes. Now with the leggy lass celebrating her 30th birthday speculations were rife on Ranveer Singh’s plans for his lady love.
Rumours abound that the Bajirao is all set to hold a success bash for his Mastani celebrating the successive run of their historical romance. The event has Industry friends and family members coming together for the double celebrations. Ranveer and Deepika will apparently be making their relation official this year. Earlier there was a problem with Deepika’s parents accepting Ranveer but all is fine now on both fronts.
Both of them have spoken about how much they care for each other. If Deepika feels that Ranveer will never hurt her or take her for granted. Ranveer on the other hand, has wished to have a happy ending with his Deepu.
Wishing the best for this good looking couple and hoping that they soon have their wishes fulfilled.
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