Richa Chadha

Into 2017, and we are still stuck to a society that functions upon preset gender roles. However, as time changes, more and more people come forward in support of gender equality. Bollywood is not behind either. In the face of pay disparity among males and females, objectification of women in films and other issues, there are films opposing gender stereotypes, and there are artistes voicing their opinions on the same.

On this note, actress Richa Chadha says gender discrimination is prevalent in the society itself and Bollywood is just a face of it.


“You feel discriminated when realising that even small decisions of daily life are controlled by men… for example, as a girl you cannot wear short clothes while travelling by public transport. So when you realise that you have to take these small decisions keeping in mind what men think, you know you are in a position of disadvantage. Since Bollywood is in India, where the society limits women’s choices like this, why should we blame only the industry?,” asked Richa, during a conversation with a news agency. (Also Read: We are not in good times, says Richa Chadha on the plight of farmers )

True that. The ‘position of disadvantage’ is felt way too much and hopefully will change for better soon!