We all know ‘Saugandh’ to be Akshay Kumar‘s debut film in Bollywood. However, it is still unknown to many that a film called ‘Dwarpaal’ produced by a man named Ravi Shrivastava was supposed to launch him. Due to circumstances unknown to us, the film got shelved. It did not affect Akshay much, his career was on a rise after ‘Saugandh’. But the producer couldn’t bear the loss. He, now, is dying in illness and poverty.
Shrivastava had invested all his life’s savings for ‘Dwarpaal’. After the film got shelved, he could not recover from the loss ever. He also happened to be a talented poster designer who has created posters for superhit films like ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’, ‘Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak’ and more.
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With two damaged kidneys and almost no savings, he now lives in a rented apartment in Oshiwara with a few friends. He revealed to an entertainment portal how once he used to be a friend with Akshay but is out of touch for years now. Apparently, he called the superstar but it wasn’t answered.
Ravi also says he has tried to get in touch with the artistes union and IMPPA but nobody yet responded.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.