Salman Khan

Bollywood Dabangg Salman Khan recently called up ace cricketer Virat Kohli. The Khan made his call to the blue eyed boy of cricket world after India lost against Australia in the ICC World Cup semi finals yesterday. Virat Kohli’s fans were quite disappointed with his dismal performance at the Semi Finals.


Soon Virat and his girlfriend Anushka Sharma, who was cheering from the stands became the butt of jokes on the internet. Many even blamed Anushka for India’s loss. Some went on to call her a ‘panauti’, Some who abused and cursed her. Some even went to the extent of asking others to boycott all her movies. Bollywood fraternity came out in support of the actress.

Salman Khan too extended his support by making a call to Virat. He called him up to cheer him. Salman Khan even advised the player not to bother about the nasty tweets.

The match was well played. We had taken the Cup from someone and now someone has taken it from us. So what? we can have another go at it in future.

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