Sanjay Dutt wife and daughter

Bollywood’s original Bad Boy actor Sanjay Dutt, has been once again granted parole, this time it is for 30 days. The actor has been granted the parole by the state administration to attend to his daughter who will be undergoing a nose surgery. Sanjay Dutt is at present in the Yerawada Jail, Pune serving sentence for possession of weapons during the 1993 Mumbai bomb blasts. Sanjay Dutt had applied for the parole in June due to daughter’s ill-health, and is now expected to come out in a day or two.


Sources said, “The parole application has been sanctioned by Pune divisional commissioner two days ago. The 30-day parole is extendable by 60 more days, which means the actor can now be on parole for three months after completing the formalities.”

Sanjay Dutt has been serving sentence since May 2013, for illegal possession and destruction of an AK-56 rifle before the 1993 Mumbai blasts. However, he has enjoyed repeated furlough and parole periods. Since his sentence began in May 2013, Sanjay Dutt has been out of jail for 146 days.

At present the actors parole is highly being debated upon by the Twitterati.

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