Actress Sunny Leone who made her debut in Bollywood with ‘Jism 2’, has grown as an actress with each film. The beauty who has a huge fan following, recently launched the first look of her upcoming romantic drama film ‘One Night Stand’. The first look depicts the emotional side of the alluring beauty.
Sunny took to Twitter to share the first look of the Jasmine Moses D’Souza directorial. She tweeted,
Hey everyone!! Here is the first look of my new film @ONSTheFilm #OneNightStandOn22April @jasminedsouza26
— Sunny Leone (@SunnyLeone) March 24, 2016
In the photograph, Sunny can be seen embracing a man who has turned his back to the camera, but what catches our attention is her look. Sunny’s tear drenched eyes in the look are conveying the emotional turmoil going on within her.
‘One Night Stand’ also stars Tanuj Virwani, Nyra Banerjee and Narendra Jetley.
The film is slated to release on April 22.
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