After donning the character of a house helper in her last film ‘Nil Battey Sannata’, Swara Bhaskar is now set to play a s*x worker in her upcoming film. Based on a novel by Aditya Kripalani, the film is titled ‘Tikli and Laxmi Bomb’ and will be helmed by the writer himself. Apart from Swara, Marathi actress Vibhavari Deshpande is also a part of the project.
Swara, in the film, will be playing 22-year-old Tikli, while Vibhavari will be essaying the role of 40-year-old Laxmi.
The film revolves around two women who together decide to form a co-operative consisting of and meant to help for s*x workers.
“Aditya approached me and asked me to read the book first. When I did, I realised that he was doing the right thing by turning his work into a film. It’s a great plot, a great role and I think it will make for a really interesting watch. It will show the world of se*x workers through an imaginative and empathetic lens,” Swara said, about being a part of the film.
The film will roll in January and will be shot in real locations.
Also Read: Swara Bhaskar is on a weight loss spree for ‘Veere Di Wedding’
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.