We earlier reported that Huma Qureshi no longer remains the official face of actor Sohail Khan’s Cricket Team ‘Mumbai Heroes’ in Celebrity Cricket League. So far, it was being assumed that Sohail Khan’s rumoured affair With Huma Qureshi was what triggered this decision. However, Khan categorically cleared it while attending a press conference on 11th of January, 2016.
“Unfortunately, she can’t be a part of this season, because we don’t have her dates. Her brother will be part of the game. We can’t actually afford a lot of brand ambassadors. We got Kriti this year, Taapsee this year. We got a lot of people who will volunteer to come according to the dates. As a brand ambassador you are expected to come on all days and promote the team. So, she won’t be able to be the poster girl for the league, unfortunately she can’t be that this year. But we have big line-up coming up for our game.” – he stated.
Kriti Sanon replaces Huma Qureshi as the brand ambassador, from this season onwards.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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