Choreographer Bosco Martis’ directorial debut titled ‘Circus‘ was already in news due to its plot, which revolved around the father-daughter relationship. While Parineeti Chopra and Suniel Shetty have already been roped in as the father and daughter, another actor playing Parineeti’s love interest has now been finalised.
As per a popular tabloid, Sooraj Pancholi has been roped in to play the actresses romantic interest in the film. A source close to the development says, “The story revolves around the dying craze for the circus. Sooraj will be seen doing some daredevil acts. There is a romantic track between Sooraj and Pari.”
The source further added, “Sooraj liked the script. He will start prep after signing on the dotted line.”
The film is all set to go on floors in December this year and will have tremendous action and dance sequences with fire and water acts.
Also Read: Here’s what Sooraj Pancholi is scared of!