On Monday, producer Karan Johar officially announced through his Twitter that actor Tiger Shroff has been signed on to play the lead part in ‘Student of the Year 2‘. Unlike the first part that had been helmed by Karan himself, this sequel will be directed by Punit Malhotra, who had directed Dharma Production’s ‘I Hate Luv Storys’. Tiger Shroff, who is now a popular youth icon among his fans, recently opened up that he is feeling the pressure to take this franchise ahead.
Talking about this to an agency, Tiger Shroff said, “There is a pressure to take the franchise forward. I hope I am the right person and I don’t let them down.”
This would be the ‘Baaghi’ actor’s first collaboration with Karan Johar, for which he further added saying, “He (Karan) is the coolest person ever…There is so much to learn from him. You just observe him and listen and absorb things. There is so much value to what he says. I am looking forward to learning so many things by being in his film.”
‘Student of the Year’, a romantic drama was the launch vehicle of Varun Dhawan, Sidharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt into this exciting world of cinema.
“It’s a youth centric film. I can’t give out the details about the premise of the film,” said Tiger regarding ‘SOTY 2’.
According to sources, the film will have a fresh narrative and a brand new story. Not just this, the film will have two actresses this time, both of them being star kids.
However, there has been no official confirmation still from the makers.
Also Read: ‘A Flying Jatt’: Tiger Shroff’s Superhero receives a green signal from CBFC without any cuts
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.