Actor Gurmeet Choudhary along with his wife Debina Bonnerjee flew to Pattaya, Thailand to holiday and spend some quality time together recently. The couple had apparently visited the country as an extended birthday celebrations for Debina. But the two were in for quite a shock by the end of the trip, as an unfortunate incident took place. (Also Read: Oops! Only one minute of bold scene in Sana Khan and Gurmeet Choudhary’s ‘Wajah Tum Ho’ ?)
While the couple was shopping in a local market on the last day of their trip, Gurmeet’s travel bag suddenly went missing. The bag contained approximately Rs 60000 along with a few personal belongings, and a pair of sunglasses which was worth Rs 1 lakh. Gurmeet exclusively opened up on the incident with us.
He said, “Hey. It happened on the day when I was leaving for Mumbai as I had to return for the trailer launch of ‘Laali ki Shaadi’, my film. So lost my bag which had money worth some Indian rupees, and a few valuables. Unfortunately, this had to happen on the day when I had to leave and hence I couldn’t lodge a complaint or wait. So yes unfortunate, but happened.”
Gurmeet was quick enough to immediately block his debit and credit cards, but they could not lodge a police complaint as they had to leave the country the same day itself. Luckily, the actor had kept his passport and other important documents in Debina’s bag, which were needed for travel.