Following the critical acclaim and success of films like ‘Madaari’ and ‘Sarbjit’, Bollywood producer Vashu Bhagnani is ready to release his upcoming film ‘Mona Darling‘. The film is a a social media based whodunnit thriller which features ‘Love Sex Aur Dhokha’ actor Anshuman Jha playing the lead role. Touted to be India’s first social media thriller, Vashu Bhagnani recalls what fascinated him to distribute this Shashi Sudigala-directorial was its concept.
Also Check: ‘Mona Darling’ trailer: This social media thriller lives up to the name of the genre
Talking about it, Vashu Bhagnani said, “When Anshuman spoke about ‘Mona Darling’ and showed me the film, I was taken aback. The concept kept me glued and I thought this is a film for one and all, especially youngsters will relate to because everyone is on social media.”
Vashu Bhagnani feels that Valentine’s weekend is the perfect release date for this thriller film.
‘Mona Darling’ also stars Sanjay Suri, Suzanna Mukherjee and Divya Menon playing pivotal parts in it.
It is slated to hit the silver screens on February 17, 2017.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.