Actor Varun Dhawan, who is currently shooting for ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ opposite Alia Bhatt has been upto a lot of things apart from acting. The actor apparently is also learning to fly!
Varun has been posting regular videos and pictures of himself from the sets of ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ and in a recent video that he shared on Instagram, he can be seen trying to fly by doing a push up in the air. Have a look…
He also shared pictures of himself with his dog and peacock from the sets.
‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ is said to be Shashank Khaitan’s new film in ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania’ series. Produced by Dharma Productions’, the film is set to release on March 10, 2017.
Also Read:Â This video of Varun Dhawan working out outdoors is worth a watch!