Veteran actor Om Puri is in news nowadays for all the wrong reasons. We will refresh your memory. The actor had been invited for a debate on a news channel, where he said certain statements that demeaned our soldiers. However, he did apologise later on, but till then, the damage had been done.
Apparently, the actor is now considering leaving the film industry! Don’t believe us? Well, he himself has said that. Also, he is now prepared that people will surely boycott his movies. Let them boycott my films. The actor said, “Earlier they’ve spoken of boycotting Shah Rukh and Salman Khan’s films. But those wanting to stop films featuring me should know that’s not me on screen, that’s a character. A better option of showing their anger towards me would be to spit on and tear my posters. But when you try to harm films you harm a lot of other people who haven’t offended you in any way.”
Also Read: Om Puri apologises for his insensitive remark on soldiers
“I’ll never participate in a television debate again. If you want to discuss national issues with me come and talk face-to-face one-on-one. They asked me a question. I was answering. In the middle of my answer, they asked me about soldiers and in irritation, I said what I did. It was wrong. Terribly wrong of me to disrespect our soldiers. I pronounce myself guilty. Just saying I am sorry, is not enough. Let the Government decide my punishment. But I’d implore them to not just put me in jail where I will sit around eating free meals. Let me do something for the betterment of society,” the actor added.
Apparently, the actor is also contemplating visiting the families of the soldiers who were martyred in Uri attacks. Let the current emotions settle down. The family is currently in bereavement and shock. Let them get out of this stress situation. Then I’ll not only visit the soldiers’ families, I’ll also give whatever I can afford for their children.I want to assume the role of the soldiers’ children’s uncle. I want to become a part of their family,” he said.
However, the most shocking statement that he made was when he said that he is now considering retiring altogether from Bollywood. “Yes, I might quit altogether. At the moment I’ve received an offer from Canada for a three-month assignment from January 2017 onwards, which I plan to take up,” he said.
Well, it would surely be a loss, given that he is a brilliant performer, and has won the country accolades with his fine acting skills and panache.
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