Indian trans woman actress Bobby Darling had recently tied the knot with a Bhopal-based-contractor Ramnik Sharma in a very private ceremony. We bring to you some surprising details of what Bobby did before tying the knot with her beau. Bobby aka Pankaj Sharma, who was also a part of Bigg Boss season 1, used to say that she was a woman trapped in a man’s body, and she finally underwent a gender change.
Yes, Bobby darling who had a breast augmentation some years back has now undergone a gender change. The actress has finally fulfilled her desire and has now changed her name to Pakhi Sharma. She confessed that her husband whom she had met on the social website completely supported her and stood by her throughout the painful process that took place in Bangkok.
Pakhi Sharma aka Bobby Darling confirms that she will be working in film and serial but instead of depicting the role of a homose*ual she would love to play a bhabhi or a reality show contestant.
Truly a brave step we say and fully support her decision on this matter.
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