Tamil Nadu CM, and an enigmatic personality, Jayalalithaa, breathed her last on December 5, but not before leaving behind a legacy hard to be fulfilled, and followers who could not come to terms with the fact that she was no more with them.
However, not only in politics, Jayalalithaa has left behind a void in the world of cinema too. Not many know, but before entering the arena of politics, she was a movie star down South, and has even acted in a Bollywood film with none other than Dharmendra!
So today, while searching through the wide world of internet, we came across this adorable picture.
Yes, we know the actress here is Jayalalithaa. But do you know who is the little one with her? Little hint. She herself is a big Bollywood star.
No? Well, she is none other than Sridevi!
Hard to believe, isn’t it?
Also Read: Sad! Tamil Nadu Chief Minister and former actress Jayalalithaa passes away
The actress posted this picture with a heartfelt tweet, upon Jayalalithaa’s demise.
A great leader who drew huge respect,love,adulation & worshiped by millions of followers,the country will surely miss Jayalalithaa Amma. RIP
— SRIDEVI BONEY KAPOOR (@SrideviBKapoor) December 6, 2016
The most articulate dignified,cultured & caring lady, lucky to have worked with her. I Along with millions of our people will miss her. pic.twitter.com/ol49dfkyhw
— SRIDEVI BONEY KAPOOR (@SrideviBKapoor) December 7, 2016
Indeed, this picture is a major throwback and brings a smile to our face. Two legends of cinema, generations apart, in one frame.
Grammar Nazi, word weaver, dreamer, bibliophile, technophile, caffeine addict, foodie, shuttling shopaholic! Mash it in a Bollywood recipe and voila! Pushpa, you’ve got her!