Bollywood star kids

Sara Ali Khan, the chubby little one of Saif Ali Khan and first wife Amrita Singh, has bloomed into one beautiful young woman who will soon be making her debut with ‘Kedarnath’ opposite Sushant Singh Rajput. However, amidst going all starry-eyed over Sara, we forgot someone. The silent sibling Ibrahim who too looks all Bollywood-ready. (Also Read: Kedarnath: A 7 crore set for Sushant Singh Rajput and Sara Ali Khan-starrer)


Well, whether or not Ibrahim will make a career in B-town is not for something for us to speculate but we must say that Sara and Ibrahim are two good-looking brother and sister. The duo was spotted by our shutterbugs recently after a gym session. Take a look at the pictures here.

P.S. Will the two be making their way to little brother Taimur Ali Khan’s birthday which falls tomorrow? That will have to be seen. It will be a treat to catch the three Khan siblings in one frame.