On the occasion of Vishu, megastar Mohanlal unveiled the teaser of his upcoming film Aaraattu. It is a perfect treat to his fans. The movie is directed by Unnikrishnan B. The teaser begins with a background score and then Mohanlal’s character Neyyattinkara Gopan is introduced. Nothing much is revealed about his character in the teaser of Aaraattu. But it seems that he is the saviour of the villagers and the goons are afraid of him. In the teaser, we see the Mohanlal beating up the goons with high-octane punches and kicks. He is also seen threatening them with savage dialogue. From the teaser, it is clear that the movie is going to have stunts and whistle-worthy dialogues. Aaraattu is Unnikrishnan and Mohanlal’s third collaboration after Mr Fraud and Villian. It is written by screenwriter Udaykrishna. Rahul Raj has composed the music and given the background scores.
Aaraattu teaser has doubled the excitement among Mohanlal’s fans and they are now waiting with bated breath for the movie to release.
Mohanlal shared the teaser of Aaraattu on his Twitter handle.
#Aaraattu Official Teaserhttps://t.co/cwCDbtkuU7#AaraattuTeaser @unnikrishnanb
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) April 14, 2021
Aaraattu also has AR Rahman and with this movie, he is returning to the Malayalam film industry after a gap of over 30 years. Mohanlal and AR Rahman had recently shot together for an important sequence in the film. Apart from Mohanlal, the movie also has Shraddha Srinath, Nedumudi Venu, Saikumar, Swasika, Siddique and Rachana Narayanankutty among others.
Mohanlal was last seen in director Jeethu Joseph’s Drishyam 2 and he received rave reviews from critics and audiences alike.
Did you like the teaser of Aaraattu? Do let us know and for more updates on the film, stay tuned to this space.
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