Nayanthara is facing new legal challenges as the makers of the film Chandramukhi, Dhanush have filed a lawsuit against her. She has allegedly used unauthorized clips in her Netflix wedding documentary, Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale. The filmmakers are demanding Rs 5 crore in compensation, claiming that footage from their 2005 blockbuster was included in the documentary without permission.
Nayanthara to face legal battle with Chandramukhi makers
This legal action follows a previous dispute involving Dhanush, who had sent a legal notice to Nayanthara regarding the use of footage from his film Naanum Rowdy Dhaan in the same documentary. Nayanthara had publicly dismissed Dhanush’s claims, which had drawn significant attention from fans.
Details of the Lawsuit
Reports indicate that the makers of Chandramukhi have issued a legal notice to both Nayanthara and Netflix. They assert that clips from the film were used without proper authorization. Actor Chitra Lakshmanan has highlighted the filmmakers’ dissatisfaction with the inclusion of these scenes.
About the Documentary
Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale provides an intimate look at Nayanthara’s wedding to filmmaker Vignesh Shivan. It showcases their love story and the lavish ceremony held in Mahabalipuram in 2022. The documentary also features behind-the-scenes glimpses and snippets from some of Nayanthara’s notable films.
Nayanthara’s Role in Chandramukhi
In Chandramukhi, Nayanthara played the character Durga, a role that significantly contributed to her rise in the Tamil film industry. The film, which starred Rajinikanth and Jyotika, is considered a classic and remains a pivotal part of her career.
As Nayanthara navigates this latest legal challenge, it will be interesting to see how she responds to the allegations from the Chandramukhi makers.