On Wednesday eve , Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan and Sonakshi Sinha were at Eden Garden stadium in Kolkata for the IPL match, not for their love of the game, but to promote their upcoming film Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai 2. The strategy, devised by the Balaji team, involved the stars dressing up in identical T-shirts that said: ‘Once Upon a Time in IPL,’ and hanging out at the venue till the cameras were drawn to them.They did Mexican waves, they cheered and at one point, Akshay and Sonakshi got up and waved out to the crowd even, but not for a second, did their faces flash on the screens.
According to sources, the camera crew was acting on the behest of a certain ‘administration official’ from the the IPL team. And while Akshay and Co eventually left with not even half a second of air time to their credit, the Balaji team seized the opportunity to make it sound like a case of ‘sabotage’. However, it appears that the IPL’s code of conduct takes a strict view of surrogate advertising.
Well the Question is was it the Administrative Official or a certain Khan who passed the diktat to Tv channels.