Pan India star Allu Arjun, was last seen in the blockbuster hit Pushpa The Rise. The Stylish star who is presently on a break was recently spotted at a popular Mumbai restaurant. Allu Arjun and his family were spotted at Bastian restaurant in Worli post their dinner outing. Pictures and videos of the popular star have sent the internet into a meltdown.
The Pushpa star was seen exiting the restaurant and walking towards his waiting car as the paps caught him on camera. Allu Arjun looked dashing in a black t-shirt and white trousers. He had accessorised his look with a round cap and designer glasses. The Pushpa stars swag was a sight to behold.
Check out the pictures and video of Allu Arjun in Mumbai:
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Allu Arjun was recently announced as Google’s most searched Telugu celebrity of 2021. The actor who has been delivering back-to-back hits tops Google’s list of 100 most searched Tollywood celebrities in 2021, according to the reports. The list is based on the data collected from jan 1 2021 to June 23 2022.
Allu Arjun was followed by Ram Charan. Tamil star hero Vijay is at the top of the list of Kollywood actors. While stylish star Allu Arjun found the nineteenth spot, Thalapathy Vijay is in 22 spot on the list
On the work front, Allu Arjun will next be seen opposite Rashmika Mandanna in ‘Pushpa: The Rule.’ The actor will reprise his role as red sanders smuggler Pushparaj, while Rashmika will be seen in her role as a village belle Srivalli. The film will go on floors in August this year.
Also Read: Will Rashmika Mandanna’s character get killed in Allu Arjun starrer Pushpa 2? Producer reacts