Allu Arjun is currently in Punjab with his family. The actor travelled to the city with his wife Sneha Reddy and kids, Allu Ayaan and Allu Arha. A few photos and videos of Allu Arjun and his family, from their visit to the Golden temple and Wagah border have now surfaced on Instagram.
A paparazzo took to his Instagram to share a video of the Pushpa: The Rise actor and his family at the Golden temple. The clip shows Arjun holding the hand of his daughter Arha while walking with his wife Sneha Reddy and son Ayaan. The actor is wearing a dark blue coloured Kurta and Pyjama suit. His wife, Sneha is wearing a blue coloured Anarkali. Their kids are also dressed traditionally.
The video shows how Arjun walked the long queue at the Golden temple, while carrying his daughter Arha in his arms. Sneha was right behind her husband, with their son. The couple walked through the long queue despite their celebrity status, while they visited the temple to seek blessings.
Take a look at the video below:
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Taking to his Instagram stories, the Pushpa: The Rise actor shared a video from his visit to the Wagah border. He can be seen walking alongside his wife and kids. The couple visited the Wagah border during their Punjab trip and also posed with the soldiers. Sharing a video on his Instagram stories, Allu Arjun wrote, “What an honour.”
See the posts below:
Arjun also shared a photo of his family and him posing with the BSF soldiers at Wagah border. Sharing the group picture, the actor wrote, “BSF . What an honour . Thank you.”
Check out the post below:
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Meanwhile, Arjun’s wife, Sneha, celebrated her birthday in Punjab. She visited the Golden temple on her birthday, with her husband and kids, to seek blessings. Sneha Reddy celebrated her 37th birthday on Thursday. Her husband also made a heartwarming post for her, wishing her on her birthday.
Also Read: Allu Arjun shares adorable birthday post for ‘cutie’ Sneha Reddy with unseen family pics from bash