Veteran actor Anupam Kher has started shooting for his 501st film. The actor who had recently completed a milestone of 500 films in Bollywood, had made his debut in the year 1984, with Mahesh Bhatt’s ‘Saaransh’. He had won accolades for his performance of a retired middle-class Maharashtrian man who had lost his son. Kher was only 28 when he had depicted the role of an old man in the film.
The National School of Drama alumnus did not share much about the upcoming film. He has just called it his 501st film his “first post interval”.
Anupam Kher tweeted,
Shooting of my 501st film is in full swing. I am calling it my 1st film post interval of my career. So Need your wishes for my 1st film.:)
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPkher) August 8, 2016
Anupam Kher is known as one of the most talented actors of Bollywood, and has left his mark with films like ‘Tezaab’, ‘Ram Lakhan’, ‘Chandni’, ‘1942: A Love Story’, ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’, ‘Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!’, ‘Bend It Like Beckham’, ‘Bride and Prejudice’ and ‘The Mistress of Spices’. The two-time National Award-winning actor at present is also involved in the working of an institute called ‘Actor Prepares’.
Also Read: Anupam Kher feels privileged to meet ‘Pretty Woman’ director Garry Marshall