Salman Khan‘s youngest sister, Arpita Khan Sharma has recently given birth to a baby boy. The child and the mother are doing fine surrounded by love from the Khan and Sharma family. We had the family dropping over to see baby Ahil the moment he arrived. Pictures of Salim Khan, Salma Khan, Arbaaz, Malaika, Sohail were seen doing the rounds on the social network. But the most loved was the super cute pic of Mamu Salman Khan kissing baby Ahil.
Now we have the proud parents welcoming their son Ahil. Arpita posted a super-cute picture on her Instagram account and captioned it, “Thank you for welcoming our Lil Prince with open arms & hearts filled with so much love & showering him with all your blessings & good wishes ? love from @aaysharma & @arpitakhansharma.” [sic]
Daddy Aayush Sharma welcomed Ahil and posted a picture on his Instagram account with the caption, “Our Prince has arrived.” [sic] Whereas, the picture reads “Our wait is over, Our Little Prince Ahil has arrived. Love Arpita & Aayush. P.S. Mother & Son are doing fine.”
Recently reports of Salman Khan shopping for Arpita’s child made their way to the front pages. Sister Arpita was overwhelmed by her Bhai’s love for her and her child.
Also Read: Salman Khan and Arpita Khan Sharma’s new found sister
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