Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan gave birth to a baby boy on March 30. The Khan-daan was over the moon and soon they were seen making their way to the hospital to meet the new member of the family. The film fraternity too wished the couple and welcomed their newborn, Ahil.
Adorable pictures of the baby and his proud parents with family and friends made their way online. Best was the one that had Mamu Salman Khan kissing Ahil. Now finally, Arpita has taken time out for friends and family and thanked them all on Twitter.
She tweeted,
Thank you for welcoming our Lil Prince with open arms&hearts filled with so much love&showering him with all your blessings&good wishes ?
— Arpita Khan Sharma (@khanarpita) April 1, 2016
Priyanka Chopra who is quite close to Arpita and is currently abroad shooting for her Hollywood project too wished the proud mother. She tweeted,
Congratulations @khanarpita and @aaysharma on the birth of your beautiful baby Boy Ahil! Sooooo exciting! Can’t wait to come c him!!
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) March 31, 2016
To which Arpita replied,
Thank you @priyankachopra Masi we can’t wait to see you..Big hug & lots of love . Keep shining bright?
— Arpita Khan Sharma (@khanarpita) April 1, 2016
Arpita and Aayush had got married on November 18, 2014.
Also Read: Salman Khan and Arpita Khan Sharma’s new found sister
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