Salman Khan’s upcoming venture ‘Sultan’ has been creating quite a buzz with the makers releasing some new promos, posters and stills of the movie on a regular basis. The two teasers which introduced Salman Khan as Sultan Ali Khan and Anushka Sharma as Aarfa have already hyped the anticipation for the fans. And now, with only a day left for the trailer release, the makers have shared a new still from the film to up the curiosity quotient.
Director Ali Abbas Zafar took to Twitter to share the sporting still.
Step into the pit with SULTAN. Watch #SultanTrailerOnSONY on 24th May at 7 PM on #ExtraInningsT20
— Sultan Official (@SultanTheMovie) May 22, 2016
We have Salman who is depicting the role of a wrestler in the upcoming release taking a victory bow in the still. He is seen standing in a akhara with his back to camera. Now there is a similarity between this still and the one that introduces Anushka Sharma as Aarfa, the wrestler. The akhara in both the scenes look familiar. So, is this the place where the lead actors will be meeting each other for the first time? We shall know about this soon. Till then get set to watch Salman Khan unveiling Sultan Trailer on SONY on 24th May at 7 PM on Extra Innings T20.
Produced by Yash Raj Films, this sports drama stars Salman Khan and Anushka Sharma as wrestlers. It will release this Eid.