Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s ‘Dabangg2’had an excellent opening at the box office and its turned out be highest first day collection record on Non-holiday opening.At the single screens the movie had an extraordinary collections, hinting that the movie can easily set a new record for weekend.
Earlier,Non holiday opening record was held by Akshay Kumar’s Rowdy Rathore with collection of 15.1.But Dabangg2 has broken the record with good margin.It has collected nearly 21 .10 Crores on its first day.
However, this time Salman couldn’t break its record set during Ek Tha Tiger. Obviously that was impractical to break ETT’s record since Dabangg 2 was a non-holiday release unlike ETT which was released on the Indian Independence Day.
Dabangg 2 is likely to peak on Saturday night and put up record-breaking numbers on Sunday. The film will also benefit from the national holiday for Christmas on Tuesday.
According to Trade Analyst Taran Adarsh ‘Dabangg2’ Collection are :-
Indian Box office :- Fri 21.10 Crores
U.S.A :- Fri $ 300,000 +. Excellent!
UK :- Fri £ 101,030 [Rs 89.97 lacs].