Sanjay Dutt is the most loved star in Bollywood,the actor is going through a worst period in his life. And in all of this, he’s also doing double shifts to meet his deadlines for Policegiri. but recently the actor was overcome with emotion when he saw how all the people are at one with him in this darkest hour.
As per sources, when the actor was shooting an Aarti song with 200 dancers and choreographer Ganesh Acharya, the dance director lost control of his own emotions & left the shot midway. Seeing that, some dancers followed him. And even before Munnabhai realized what was going on, he had the chorus dancers crying & touching his feet.The actor was too stunned and upset seeing everyone on the sets of policegirl disturbed. Later he also had an emotional breakdown and hugged Ganesh.
Well no wonder he is known as Sanju Baba by the Industry.