Bollywood beauty Deepika Padukone is in a happy space right now as not only her last release ‘Padmaavat’ garnered much love from fans but she has also tied the knot with Ranveer Singh, the man of her dreams. The actress has also become the first woman to enter Top 5 in Forbes list of richest Indians and now the Diva has been declared as the top star of Indian cinema of 2018 as per the IMDb list.
According to the leading global movie website, IMDb, Deepika Padukone has beaten her ‘Om Shanti Om’ co-star Shah Rukh Khan and made it to the top this year.
As per a report in IANS, The leading global movie website on Tuesday had unveiled the ‘2018 Top 10 Stars of Indian Cinema’ list. In a statement released by them, the list was derived using data from IMDbPro STAR meter rankings, which are based on the actual page views of more than 250 million monthly visitors to the platform.
Accordingly, Deepika earned the first spot with superstar Shah Rukh Khan in the second spot, which was followed by Aamir Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Kubra Sait, Irrfan Khan, Radhika Apte and Akshay Kumar.
Neha Gureja, Head of International for IMDb said, “Deepika Padukone’s strong performance in this year’s ‘Padmaavat‘ pushed her into the top spot on the 2018 IMDb Top Stars of Indian Cinema list.”
She further added, “Radhika Apte delighted audiences this year, appearing in two of the IMDb Top Indian Movies of 2018 – ‘AndhaDhun’ (which ranked number 1) and ‘PadMan’ (ranked number 6). Akshay Kumar, the bold protagonist in ‘PadMan’ rounds out the Top Stars list at number 10.”
On the work front, Deepika Padukone will soon be seen in a biopic on the acid attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal that is being directed by Meghna Gulzar and will be co-produced by the ‘Padmaavat’ star herself.
Also Read: Deepika Padukone spills the beans on her first date with Ranveer Singh