Newlyweds Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, upon their return from their destination wedding in Italy, hosted first of their wedding receptions in the actress’ hometown on November 21. The couple styled by celebrated designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee looked elegant and regal at their Bengaluru reception.
The couple shared their Royal reception look on their social media handles and soon everyone went gaga over them. Dressed in Rohit Bal sherwani, Ranveer looked like a Princess whereas Deepika looked stunning her golden saree which was gifted by her mother Ujjala Padukone.
However, later when more pictures from the couple’s reception party surfaced, everyone got a closer look at the actress’ makeup and soon she was trolled mercilessly for it.
You can check some of the nasty comments made on Deepika’s look below:
Some people even felt that Deepika’s mother looked better than her at the reception party.
Do you guys also feel that Deepika should have opted for some other hairstyle? Or did you like her look? Let us know your views in the comments section below.
Also Read: In Pics: THIS is what Deepika and Ranveer gave their guests as wedding return gifts
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