A documentary on the life of actress Sunny Leone which is directed by photographer-filmmaker Dilip Mehta will be releasing in India too. Well, sources reveal that Sunny and her husband Daniel Weber were not at all keen to screen the documentary in India and raised objections to it. It so happened that Sunny and Daniel wanted certain scenes from the movie to be edited, but the director was not ready to budge.
Sunny and Daniel did not attend Toronto Film Festival where the documentary was featured. Dilip said, “I can’t possibly ignore the fact that throughout during the making of the film she never once said, ‘hold the roll’ or cut a particular scene or a dialogue. It’s just that now she appears to be self-conscious of certain partial frontal nudity scenes! And that’s so confusing. Has sunny finally lost her spunk?”
He confessed that the movie will be shown in India as well. Said Dilip, “Netflix and iTunes have bought the documentary for worldwide distribution. I believe they start broadcasting January 2017 onwards. ‘Mostly Sunny’ release in cold, cold winter.” (sic)
He is elated with the response he received for the documentary. He said, “Ironically, while Sunny Leone chooses to disregard Mostly Sunny, audiences and critics are loving the film and are lustily cheering for the porn-star turned Bollywood princess.”
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