Shahrukh Khan And Aishwarya Rai rocked the stage at the TOIFA awards function,when they joined other B-Town celebrities to entertain the Vancouver fans.Dressed in a long red jacket, Shah Rukh entered the stage amid st loud cheer and applause. He danced on his popular tracks, including “Suraj hua maddham”, “Challa ki labh da phire”, “Chamak challo” and many more. With each of his performances, excitement soared high and he had the audience going wild.The fans got so excited that they lunged towards the stage to join SRK’s high-energy gig but were restrained by the security personal.
The other celebrity who took to the stage was Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. In fact, this was Aishwarya’s first stage performance abroad after the birth of her daughter in 2011, and she didn’t disappoint. She not only dazzled everyone, her act was one of the highlights at the gala night.Looking gorgeous in a black free-flowing attire, she performed to songs like “Khwaja mere Khawaja” and the title track from “Dhoom 2”.
Well this is one Dream Jodi that must have sent their fans at Vancouver in a frenzy.