Bollywood’s power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are officially married now. The lovebirds exchanged vows in an intimate destination wedding (at Lake Como, Italy), with ceremonies spread across three days. Since their wedding was attended by only their family and selected friends, the couple has a grand plan for celebrating their marriage once they are back in India.
Ranveer has always believed in wearing his heart on his sleeves so obviously, the actor won’t be leaving any stone unturned to celebrate the biggest phase of his life. And now our sources have revealed that the couple will be hosting not two, but four grand receptions and parties. Yes, you read that right. DeepVeer will be throwing four parties.
Upon their arrival in India, Deepika and Ranveer will be hosting a reception party on November 21st, in Bengaluru. This reception party will be attended by the couple’s extended family (especially Deepika’s). This reception will be followed by a party hosted by Ranveer Singh’s family in Mumbai on November 24.
Post that, there will be another reception party hosted by the couple on November 28 in Mumbai. And finally, they will be throwing a lavish party for their Bollywood friends and colleagues on December 1. So unlike previous reports, not one but four receptions and parties will be hosted by DeepVeer for their friends and family.
Yesterday, after tying the knot in a traditional Konkani style wedding, the couple got married today again in a Anand Karaj ceremony. Talking about their wedding menu, our sources reveal that yesterday, filter coffee was served as a welcome drink as it is Deepika’s favourite. Coffee was flown from Bangalore especially for the wedding. Later, authentic South Indian cuisine was served in the menu with a chef flown down.
So guys, aren’t you excited about these celebrations?
Also Read: Inside pictures of Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s wedding sold to THIS magazine?
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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