Shoojit Sircar is been receiving a lot of praises from B-Town ever since the trailer of his upcoming production venture ‘Pink’ has been released. This courtroom drama thriller featuring Amitabh Bachchan as a lawyer marks the debut of acclaimed Bengali director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury in Hindi cinema. Shoojit himself has delivered a string of quality directorial movies like ‘Vicky Donor’ and ‘Piku’, there were reports that he would be next helming a period sports drama set in the year 1911 with John Abraham. But clearing the air about this, the director has informed that his next wouldn’t be a sports drama.
Recently, Shoojit Sircar confirmed that his next project would be based upon the freedom movement. While giving an interview to a leading daily he said, “It is on the freedom movement and will roll next year, around March-April.” [sic]
Further talking about the sports drama project, he said that he is still working on the script and is much interested in making it as football is his passion. Till making it as a full-length feature, Shoojit is happy playing football regularly with Abhishek Bachchan and Ranbir Kapoor.
The casting on Shoojit’s freedom movement project hasn’t started but any official announcement would be out after ‘Pink’ hits the theatres.
‘Pink’ is slated to release on September 15, 2016.
Also Check: ‘Jeenay De Mujhe’: A new youth anthem from ‘Pink’
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