Will he? Won’t he ?,this has been the question in every person’s mind ,whenever Salman Khan has been in a relation ,but the Dabanng Khan always disappointed everyone by remaining single,ready to mingle.At present superstar Salman Khan has set the industry wires buzzing with the news about his impending marriage to alleged ladylove Iulia Vantur.
According to sources,“Bhai is extremely serious about his new girlfriend and she has been in his life for around two years but no one had got any wind of it. He is now being open about his relationship with her and people who are close to him are aware of her existence in his life. In fact, everyone is suggesting to Salman to get married to her, however, he is being mum about his plans.”
Insiders also say that it would be no surprise if Salman finally announces Iulia’s presence in his life to everyone. The actor apparently met her during one of his trips abroad.
Sallu Sir its high time you put all rumors to rest.