Bollywood’s ‘Khiladi’ Akshay Kumar, is a new storm that is unstoppable. Looking at the constant graph and credibility of his movies, this is just a proven point. His latest romantic thriller ‘Rustom’ has not even touched a week’s mark from its release and he had already announced his next film. On the eve of Independence Day, Akshay Kumar took to his Twitter handle and shared the first poster of his next film ‘Crack’ with filmmaker Neeraj Pandey.
Recently, we heard an interesting thing related to the title of the movie. According to a report in a popular daily, Akshay wanted the title ‘Crack’ for this film but unfortunately, it was already registered with actor-producer Sachiin Joshi. Akshay then contacted Sachiin and was even willing to pay for it, but to his surprise, Sachiin gave it away without taking a penny.
The reason for this is that a few years ago, Akshay had to do a film with Karan Johar naming ‘Gutka Wars’. At that time also coincidentally Sachiin had the rights of this specific title, which he indeed gave to Karan. But as fate has it, that film never got made. This time while parting away with this current title, Sachiin hopes that the film will get made at least this time.
Looking at the previous track record of Akshay Kumar and Neeraj Pandey with ‘Special 26’ and ‘Baby’, we are damn sure that this film ‘Crack’ will be as interesting and engaging as them.
Don’t you think so?
Also Read: Akshay Kumar rubbishes rumours of ‘Namastey England’ being shelved
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.