The Badshah of Bollywood Shahrukh Khan is today celebrating 22 years of marital bliss with his queen Gauri Khan today. The two had tied the knot in traditional Hindu wedding ceremony at Delhi on October 25th 1991. The course of their love ran through many ups and downs, but they came through it with flying colours.
Their love story started at a tender age of 19 and she being 14, after dating for five years with fear in their heart regarding their religion Shahrukh being Muslim and Gauri a Hindu Brahmin. But Shahrukh over possessive nature made Gauri leave for Mumbai, but here too she was followed by her Badshah. With the blessing of his mother and no address, he went to every beach in Mumbai in search of his lady love as he knew that she loved beaches and find her he did at Aksa beach .
Today they are proud parents of three children and are still going strong in love, fidelity and mutual trust.
We wish them a very happy marriage anniversary and may they celebrate many more to come .