Bollywood’s desi girl Priyanka Chopra is a powerhouse performer, who has an immense fan following in India and overseas. The Diva gained international fame ever since she marked her debut in an American television series ‘Quantico’, from here it was no stopping for the beauty, who soon went on to be a household name across the globe.
Noted journalist Bharathi Pradhan has penned a book, ‘Priyanka Chopra: The Dark Horse’ on the actress. An excerpt from the book has a good friend and co-star Hrithik Roshan opening up on Priyanka’s grit and determination. The duo has worked together in movies like ‘Krrish’ and ‘Krrish 3’.
The actor recounted an incident during the shoot of their film ‘Krrish’ in Manali. He revealed that as they were shooting in extreme conditions and there was a lack of oxygen too, some crew members had fainted. They soon noticed that Priyanka too was limping and was about to fall. Crew members rushed and picked her up and decided to take her to the hotel to recuperate but when Duggu rushed to check on her, he was shocked to see a half-conscious Priyanka was shouting at the lifters to put her down proving that she prefers being independent and strong.
The ‘Agneepath’ star further added that it was all thanks to her role in ‘Aitraaz’ that she was roped in to play the leading lady of ‘Krrish’.
He said, “When we saw ‘Aitraaz’, we were relieved because we found a fresh face which wasn’t one bit afraid of the camera. She was confident and in Aitraaz we saw an actor who could project both sides of the human psyche – goodness, and humility plus cunning and vindictiveness – which was rare.”
Talking about her success, Hrithik said, “Learning from my own experience of worldly success and how little it serves towards genuine happiness, I truly hope and wish Priyanka is putting in as much power and drive towards her own inner fulfilment too. I think she is and I am very happy for her.”(Also Read: Priyanka Chopra’s mother reacts to her link-up rumors with Nick Jonas)
On the work front, Priyanka will next be seen opposite Salman Khan in Ali Abbas Zafar’s ‘Bharat’. Hrithik on the other hand is busy with ‘Super 30’.