Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra and her American singer-songwriter beau Nick Jonas are now officially married. The couple exchanged vows today at the Umaid Bhawan Palace, in a traditional Christian ceremony. The actress was wearing a custom Ralph Lauren gown and Nick Jonas too was wearing Ralph Lauren. Amidst the presence of their families, NickYanka said ‘I Dos’. The wedding reportedly took place in the lawns of Umaid Bhawan Palace.
As reported earlier, Priyanka and Nick’s wedding was officiated by the singer-songwriter’s father Paul Kevin Jonas. As per a report in People magazine, apart from the bride and groom, even the bridesmaids and groomsmen were wearing Ralph Lauren. The couple exchanged bands by famed jeweller Chopard. At their wedding, the couple will be honouring each other’s culture and traditions.
Priyanka’s brother Siddharth was one of the groomsmen of Nick Jonas along with his brothers Kevin and Joe Jonas.
After their Christian style wedding, the couple will be marrying again in a traditional Hindu ceremony, where Priyanka will be wearing a lehenga and Nick will be opting for a Bandhgala and turban. He will be entering the venue on a horse.
We extend our heartiest congratulations to Mr and Mrs Nick Jonas. And now, we are eagerly looking forward catch the first glimpse of their pictures from their wedding. Maybe the couple might share pictures on their social media handles. So stay tuned for the latest updates on this wedding of the year.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra is still angry that Nick Jonas didn’t kiss her on first date
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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