Vikram Bhatt and Kamaal R Khan

Kamaal R Khan who had received a defamation notice from filmmaker Vikram Bhatt has been under close scrutiny on Twitter. So just yesterday, KRK posted an open challenge on Twitter saying that he is ready to leave Twitter only on one condition. And the condition was that 2000 people retweet that he should leave Twitter. And if more people vote on his side, he will continue being a part of Twitter and will not stop his antics.


But to his dismay, over 2000 people have tweeted that he should leave Twitter whereas only 1/10th of that number have stood in support of him.

Also, yesterday, Vikram Bhatt initiated a petition on his account to ban KRK from Twitter. And people were quick to raise their voice on the subject.

Here’s a tweet from Vikram Bhatt:

ALSO READ: Kamaal R Khan pokes fun at Vikram Bhatt with a series of tweets

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