Actress Karisma Kapoor is quite happy for her sister Kareena Kapoor Khan who is awaiting the birth of her first child. The actress who was spotted at the launch of Amy Billimoria’s festive collection looked dazzling in a black off-shoulder. Karisma who is a mother of two children confessed that the Kapoor clan is eagerly awaiting the birth of sister Kareena’s baby.
Karisma happily shared her joy about the good news. She said,
Well, I think it’s happy news for all of us out there. We are also eagerly waiting (for the baby) as a family.
Kareena Kapoor, who is married to Saif Ali Khan, the Nawab of Bollywood, is looking gorgeous. The beauty is glowing in her pregnancy and enjoying each and every moment of the phase. There is not a single thought given by the actress to her career or the roles that might be offered to her post pregnancy. As she feels it’s perhaps too early to talk about her future and she prefers the ‘let’s see’ approach for the moment.
Kareena Kapoor said that she is not worried about Bollywood enforcing stereotypes on married actresses. She said,
As far I am concerned I have been very lucky. It’s all about your attitude and the way you look at things. It is the way you approach things that really matters. I don’t look at Bollywood as it stereotypes. It’s the roles that come to me from which I will pick and choose the best that is offered to me.
Also Read: Throwback: Karisma Kapoor’s old picture with 17-year old Kareena Kapoor is too cute