Mahesh Babu, the Tollywood superstar, is known for addressing social concerns not just in films but also in real life. Yesterday, the actor turned to social media to address the sexual assault of a six-year-old child in Telangana’s Singareni Colony. He described the situation as “heartbreaking.” The terrible act against the 6-year-old in Singareni Colony is a reminder of how far we have gone as a society, Mahesh Babu posted on social media.
“The heinous crime against the 6-year old in Singareni Colony is a reminder of how far we have fallen as a society. “Will our daughters ever be safe?”, is always a lingering question! Absolutely gut-wrenching.. Cannot imagine what the family is going through!.” In another tweet he wrote, “I urge the authorities to ensure swift action and deliver justice to the child and her family!,” added the Sarkaru Vaari Paata actor.
The heinous crime against the 6-year old in Singareni Colony is a reminder of how far we have fallen as a society. “Will our daughters ever be safe?”, is always a lingering question! Absolutely gut-wrenching.. Cannot imagine what the family is going through!
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) September 14, 2021
I urge the authorities to ensure swift action and deliver justice to the child and her family! ?
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) September 14, 2021
Mahesh Babu’s Tweet is currently going viral, and the fans have been heaping praises on the actor for addressing the issue. Since Mahesh Babu addressed the crime, many celebrities have come out to bring it to light.
On September 9, 2021, a six-year-old girl was sexually assaulted and murdered in Hyderabad’s Singareni Colony. The victim, who is the daughter of an auto driver, had gone missing last week. Her corpse was later discovered in a remote area near Singareni. The police are still looking for the culprit and have offered a reward of Rs. 10 lakh to anyone who provides information leading to his arrest.